Lingua Attack/ English Attack

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Lingua Attack/ English Attack

The most common and popular language as we know is English. It has become very important to know English from the childhood itself in today’s world. It is said that the way we communicate with others decides our character. So, let the child set his standard from elementary level itself.

Learning English is now more fun and enjoyable with the LINGUA ATTACK/ ENGLISH ATTACK program. In this program, kids learn English through different video clips, documentaries, photo dictionaries and super fun games. Our innovative method makes you learn the best English while entertaining and interactive content paves way for interest in learning.

The Fun Way Of Learning From France.

Learn in an entertaining way through MOVIE CLIPS

This interesting method indulges you in a world full of high standard English and also keeps you entertaining and paves way for interest.

Play through language learning GAMES

It allows optimal memorization and enables you to be the best at vocabulary as well as your irregular verbs.

Learn to express through ONLINE VISUAL DICTIONARIES

A wide range of topics including definitions, translations, photos and pronunciation are learnt and also allows to discover new English vocabulary in a fun and effective manner.

Assessment Tests

The English Attack/ Lingua Attack Assessment Test is based on short videos and evaluates your English communicating skills as per the levels. After an account is created a test will be taken to assess your initial level of English and later new Assessment Tests will be taken to measure your progress.

Who can use English Attack?

Individuals :

Improve your standard of communication skills and gain respect in the society by learning at home itself.

Teachers :

Add on to teachers English communicating skills and creates a world class environment.

Educational Institutions:

Creates a world class learning atmosphere and benefits both students and your institution.


Development of skills in workplace will be encouraged. World class organization with best workforce will be created.

Language Learning Centers:

Make the offline classes more interesting by giving online training which creates a world class learning atmosphere.

Purchase Plan

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